Exam & Bloodwork
After the exam & bloodwork, all pets will then receive:
- Advanced anesthetic monitoring by a dedicated technician whose only job is to watch and record your pet’s vital signs while they are under anesthesia
- A thorough dental cleaning using an ultrasonic scaler to clean away tartar both above and below the gumline, as well as a teeth polishing to create a smooth surface.
- An oral exam using a periodontal probe to check for pockets along the gumline, enamel defects, furcation exposure, fractured/broken teeth, root exposure, loose/mobile teeth, and missing teeth.
- An exam looking for evidence of tooth resorption, a painful condition in which the body breaks down its own teeth and turns them into bone.
- If any dental abnormalities are noted in your pet’s mouth, a digital dental x-ray will then be taken. The doctor will then determine if any teeth need to be extracted.