As a pet owner, you want to do everything in your power to keep your furry friend safe and secure. One way to ensure that your pet can be quickly identified and returned to you if lost is by microchipping them. Microchipping is a safe, easy, and inexpensive way to give your pet permanent identification that can be used to track them back to you.

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What is Microchipping?

A microchip is a small, rice-sized device that is inserted under your pet's skin, usually between the shoulder blades. The microchip contains a unique identification number that can be read with a scanner. The microchip is registered with a database that holds your contact information, so if your pet is lost and found, they can be identified and quickly returned to you.

Why Microchipping is Helpful

Pets are curious creatures and can easily wander off, especially if they are not kept in a secure area. Collars with identification tags are helpful, but they can fall off or be removed. Microchipping is a permanent way to identify your pet, even if they lose their collar.

Microchipping is also helpful for pets that are stolen. Unfortunately, pet theft is a growing problem, and pets that are not microchipped can be difficult to identify and retrieve. With a microchip, you increase the chances of being reunited with your furry friend if they are ever stolen. If you ever come across an animal with no owner present, please make sure to take it to a local vet or shelter where they can scan the animal for a microchip & successfully return the pet to its owner.

Another benefit of microchipping is that it can help settle ownership disputes. If your pet is lost and then found by someone else, the microchip can help prove that you are the rightful owner. This can be especially helpful in cases where pets have been lost for long periods of time, and their appearance may have changed.

Finally, microchipping is a requirement for some pet-related activities. For example, if you plan to travel with your pet overseas, some countries require a microchip as part of their import regulations. Microchipping is also necessary for some dog breeds to compete in shows.

The Microchipping Process

The microchipping process is quick and painless. The device is inserted with a needle, and your pet may feel a small pinch, similar to getting a vaccine. Once the microchip is inserted, it is registered with a database, which includes your contact information.

It is essential to keep your contact information up to date in the database. If you move or change your phone number, make sure to update the database as soon as possible. This ensures that if your pet is lost, you can be easily contacted.


Microchipping is a simple way to provide your pet with permanent identification that can help them be quickly returned to you if lost. It is a safe and inexpensive procedure that can be done at your vet's office. With a microchip, you can rest easy knowing that you have taken an important step in keeping your furry friend safe and secure.

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